Homeopathy is a system of non-toxic medicine based on the Law of Similars*.
It reduces the frequency and severity of mosquito bites.
Absolutely! You can take Mozi-Q after being outside and it will help to reduce the redness, swelling, and itchiness of the bites you have.
It is non-toxic and doesn't react with medications or herbs.
Mozi-Q is approved as safe for children one year and older.
It is safe for use during pregnancy, but if you have any concerns we recommend you speak to your health care provider.
It is safe for use while breastfeeding, but if you have any concerns we recommend you speak to your health care provider.
Mozi-Q is safe to take with other medications, but if you have any concerns we recommend you speak to your health care provider.
Mozi-Q works best if you chew it. Never fear, it tastes great!
If you are drinking alcohol, sweating hard due to heat or activity, have a high metabolism or are overweight, you may need to double up on the dose. Just take two tablets and repeat as needed.
Helpful Guidelines for taking Homeopathic Remedies
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It will not be apparent to you except that mosquitoes will not make a banquet out of you.
It works within 30 minutes of taking it.
It does not need to build up in the system, though it can persist for more than a day, varying from person to person.
No problem. Party!
If swatting mosquitoes affects your swing, yes.
Not much taste...a little sweet.
Every 3-5 hours starting before you go outside.
Just chew the tablet and swallow.
There is no gluten in Mozi-Q, but it is not certified gluten-free.
There is no lactose in Mozi-Q.
Homeopathic medicine is by definition non-toxic. The plant chemicals that go into it are diluted to non-toxic levels.
*law of similars in homeopathy, the principle that a substance that in large doses will produce symptoms of a specific disease will, in extremely small doses, cure it. (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Law+of+similars)