The All Natural Insect Repellant You Eat
Bite-Free Beaches

Local product Mozi-Q approved as bug repellent

Firm's owner sees growth in homeopathy

Erin Bosch of Mozi-Q (The all natural way to fight bugs!) poses in her Calgary based homeopathic clinic.

Xerion Dispensary owner Erin Bosch says the company has just received Health Canada approval for its oral mosquito repellent, Mozi-Q.

Photograph by: Colleen De Neve, Calgary Herald

A Calgary business that aims to bring traditional homeopathic remedies to the mainstream public has received Health Canada approval for its first locally developed product.

Mozi-Q is a natural mosquito repellent created by Calgary-based Xerion Dispensary. The product, made from a plant-derived substance called staphysagria, is taken orally and is advertised not only as a bug repellent, but as a product that will also lessen the stinging and itching associated with insect bites.

Xerion Dispensary owner Erin Bosch said since receiving Health Canada approval in May, Mozi-Q is already on store shelves in more than 100 locations Canada-wide. She said the foray into formulations and manufacturing is simply the logical next step for Xerion, which started 10 years ago as a health food store and has since evolved into a homeopathic clinic and retail store.

"I have the connections, I have the knowledge of the remedies. . . . It's just a natural progression for the company," Bosch said.

When she started her business in 2002, it was just Bosch, her mother, and her grandmother running the shop.

Now, Xerion has 13 employees, including four homeopathic practitioners and a registered nurse.

Bosch said she believes the market for homeopathy, a form of alternative medicine that emphasizes natural remedies and the body's ability to heal itself, will continue to grow.

"People do get a little disillusioned with the vast amount of health products that are on the market, but I really see growth potential in homeopathic medicine," she said. "It's something that gives people the ability to heal themselves and their family without any toxic sideeffects."

Bosch said although knowledge of many homeopathic remedies has existed for centuries, there's tremendous potential for entrepreneurs who know how to package them and educate consumers about their use.

"Homeopaths for years have been taking these remedies and using them in this way, it's just never been marketed before," Bosch said.

All natural health products - including homeopathic remedies - sold in Canada are subject to the Natural Health Products Regulations, which came into force on Jan. 1, 2004.

Only after Health Canada has assessed a product and decided it is safe, effective and of high quality, will a product be approved.
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